Hill & Trail Running

“Aaaarggh, it’s not flat!”. Hill and trail running is not for everyone and is often a shock to the system for those runners more used to pounding out road miles. Tearing down steep slopes, through woodland or over rocky paths on challenging terrain requires a particular mind-set. However the fantastic variety of runs, locations, the challenge and above all the ‘off road’ running camaraderie are usually enough to allow most people to overcome their anxieties.

The hill and trail running season stretches throughout the calendar year but the main Scottish races start around February and extend through until November. Many races around Glasgow are organised by the ‘Westies’ (Westerlands Cross Country Club) including the Ben Lomond Hill race. Scottish Hill Runners is an independent organisation that helps to support hill and trail running. Acorn Trails is another expanding organisation that offers a great range of trail and XC events in and around Glasgow.

Hill running is probably the most difficult type of running you can do but the views from the peaks of our fantastic hill ranges make it rewarding. Not only that, but on the hills and trails you can escape the grind of the city and pounding the pavements.

Hill and trail running is technical and can be tough and strenuous, demanding concentration and resilience. Some runners are good at going up, some at going down. Those who are good at both tend to win hill races!

There are lots of runners at the Club who regularly run hills and trails so if you fancy giving it a try just speak to one of them. The Club also has an annual ‘Off Road’ Championship that follows on from our XC version, which includes a great mix of hill and trail events throughout the country.

In 2009, the Club decided to host it’s first hill race at Ben Venue that ran until 2016. Read more about the Bella Ben Venue Challenge here.