Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is elected from within the membership at the Annual General Meeting. Their task is to ensure the club is operating appropriately, to it’s charitable objectives and obligations. They produce an annual report that is available on the Charitable Status and documents page.

The Board of Trustees consists of the following members, and any designated role/title they currently hold:

ChairEmer Campbell
Club Secretary: Catherine Laurence
Treasurer: Kenny Crawford
Membership Secretary: Stuart Laurence
Welfare Secretary: Jane McNeilly
Operations Lead: Kevin Queenan
Trustees: Rhoda Yarmahmoudi & Tom Ferris
Ladies Captain: Leanne McIntosh
Gents Captain: Alan Moss

Email addresses exist for most roles. We have removed them from this page on the advice of our governing body. If you’d like to get in touch, please contact the club secretary in the first instance, who will redirect your enquiry. 

We’re grateful to members who have served as Trustees or Committee members in previous years, and for members who have or are helping with various roles within the club, including:

Membership Secretary:
Welfare Secretary:
Race Director: