On Sunday 24th November, Siobhann Dunn, ran the Florence Marathon, producing an excellent performance to finish in a time of 3:30:56! It was a fantastic route around the heart of the renaissance city and very well supported. Siobhann overcame recent illness to power around and set herself up for her next challenge at the Shale 50k Trail Ultra on the east coast of Scotland on 8th December! Ben fatto, Siobhann!

On Sunday 1st December, Mark Young and Stevie Bell competed in the Valencia Marathon. The Romans named the city for valour and strength and that’s what Mark and Stevie displayed. Mark recorded a PB time of 2:47:43, battling recent injury and warm conditions. Muy bien hecho, Mark! And, the legend that is Stevie, completed another tough marathon, possibly his 26.2 swansong. Well done sir!

The recent winner of our Jimmy Irvine 10k also ran at Valencia. Ryan Thomson, of Cambuslang Harriers recorded an unbelievable time of 2:15:47! Congratulations Ryan!
