A fabulous morning at Pollok parkrun for the club’s festive fun run, raising a total of £420 for local charities. Taking place at the parkrun for the first time, club members turned up in fancy dress, tinsel, santa hats and outfits, posed for a few pics, ran the 5k, then back to our base at Glasgow club Nethercraigs for the draw (and some festive refreshments!). £210 was contributed by members for a charity draw, and their names drawn out of a hat. Sarah-Jane Kissock was the name out of the hat, and her choice of charity is the Glasgow City Mission. The club will match that amount and donate it to our charity of the year which is the Glasgow Humane Society. Congratulations too to Norman Boyle and Roz Wilson who won the best fancy dress competitions. Thanks to everybody who helped organise the event, turned up on the day, cheered and supported, or contributed to a fantastic day. Thanks too to Gordon Goldie and Kevin Queenan for the pics. Lots more on our Facebook page and groups.